This tutorial is all about how to assign password to a file in Linux without using any software,just by using vi editor or vim editor. We will learn how to provide password protection to a file in Linux machine using vi editor or vim editor.We will learn all the methods of password protection using vim and vi editor using command line , not only that but we will also learn how to change password of a file in Linux using vim editor and we will also see how to remove password from a file.
Method 1: #vim -x filename
This method is very easy to implement. i have shown this method in video,so watch video carefully.
Method 2: Vim filename
In this method we will use capital X before saving file to assign it carefully in video.
Method 3: # vim fiename
:set key=password123I have also included this method in video.You can learn all above method easily by just watching this video.
If you still have any doubts you can ask me through comment section either on my YouTube channel or here.