Active and Passive FTP Design and Security analysis Project For Computer Science Student

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If you are a computer science student or studying B.E/ this could be summer internship seminar topic or your Minor or Major Projects. Our Project Topic is  "Active and Passive FTP Design and Security analysis".Here i will only give the Abstract i mean basic idea of project and not the complete Project Code.

This is a Security Analysis Project and this project does a detailed analysis of the two different types of the FTP protocol, Active and Passive.I hope you better know about active and passive FTP Protocol and if not keep visiting my blog i will soon post on ftp active and passive ftp protocol.

 The design of the protocols:

The design of this project  include the TCP connection establishment on the respective ports,
are verified using live practical analysis with wireshark protocol analyzer tool.You can easily finnd wireshark tool for any linux operating system or even windows operating systems.

 The different types of security vulnerabilities and attacks:

This projcet is targeted security loopholes and attacks on FTP based application are understood.

Lab setup For This Project:

I have mentioned in detail the complete lab setup you need to perform this project.
A lab setup topology with appropriate instructions is provided for practical experiment.

What your Project Report Contents?

1. Basic FTP Server and FTP Client Design with Detail Diagram.

In this section you have to Design a flowchart diagram showing FTP Server and FTP Clients.
Your FTP Server will be a Linux Machine.You can configure vsftpd Server on your Ubuntu Linux or You can Configure ProFTPD Server on Ubuntu Linux. You can also configure ftp server on your RHEL machine.

2. FTP Types (Active and Passive)

Here you have to mention the difference between ACTIVE AND PASSIVE FTP with few examples.

3.Brief Wireshark analysis of Active FTP with detail explanation on capture file

Use Wireshark Tool and using wireshark tool capture the Active FTP Files and write a detail analysis on file captured.

4. Brief Wireshark analysis of Passive FTP with  detail explanation on capture file.

While capturing Passive FTP data don't forget to write its analysis report.

5. Show FTP loopholes and Mitigation

Mention the loopholes you find in detail.

6.Show different methods of  FTP attacks

Here in this section you have to show the different attacks methods you have used in this Project.

7. Software and Hardware Requirement

you just need a laptop or a pc with good configuration.
You need a virtualization software like Oracle Virtualox or Vmware Workstation.
You need Linux operating system like ubuntu,redhat Enterprise Linux or Kali Linux

8. Lab Setup for Live capture with wireshark

You have three Operating System installed in your Virtualbox.
One os will be your Linux Server configured with FTP.
Another OS will be your windows or Linux Client Machine.
3rd os will be your ubuntu linux Machine or Redhat Linux Machine with wireshark tool installed.
Dont forget o configure internal networking between these all three os.And also configure or enable bridge option in network setting in virtualbox.

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